This is my blog. There are many more like it, but this one is mine. If you want to know more about me, check out the about page. Otherwise, kick back, relax, take a load off your mind. I realize this is pretty bare bones right now. Bear with me as I learn the ropes about Jekyll.

12 Oct 2013 // On the subject of
On the subject of skin thickness

So, something weird happened recently in the gaming world. There was this Xbox One event at Eurogamer Expo 2013, where a transgender woman might have been “humiliated” by a comedian. Turns out it’s more complicated than that, and in the end everyone got out of there with a formal apology and looks like the case is closed.

But that’s not what I want to talk about. I want to talk about the reaction some people had to this story.


04 Oct 2013 // Reviews
Micro review: Saints Row IV

Verdict: If you liked the previous one, buy it.


27 Sep 2013 // On the subject of
On the subject of critical thinking

So, I know this guy who’s quite the conspiracy nut. Whenever something happens, he always jumps on the fringe theories. At first I wanted to write about conspiracy theories in general and debunk a few myths while I’m at it, but I figured it was pointless because smarter people than me are already doing it anyway. So instead I want to talk about critical thinking.


19 Sep 2013 // Meta
Let's call this a milestone

So, it’s been a bit more than month since I’ve started blogging. So I figured I’d do a little bit of introspection on the whole thing.


14 Sep 2013 // On the subject of
On the subject of difficulty

Back in the day, I liked to play single player games at the hardest available difficulty setting. These days, I don’t really care anymore. The main reason being that I mostly play games for their story aspects, and a tough challenge usually gets in the way of the next story segment, and that just frustrates me. I still like a good challenge once in a while, so I usually settle for some “normal” or similar difficulty level. And I really don’t give a flying toss about what difficulty level you play on.

But it seems some people do care a lot. And they’ll even try to tell you how you should play a game. So I figured I’d talk about difficulty in games.
